Leveraging our experience and also drawing on the best practices of emerging organizational models, we have come to design and adopt AEquacy, an organizational design based on a radial network of self-organizing teams within which there is no formal hierarchy. Our aim was to develop a human-centered work environment where people can fulfill their potential and thrive as human beings, as well as help their organization thrive.

Imagine… AEquacy

AEquacy derives from the Latin word Aequum, which means equal, fair, and is based on five principles:

Purpose and Values Orientation

Purpose and values act as a compass, helping people make decisions, be inspired and motivated.


we believe that there is no real engagement and accountability without strong autonomy. Self-organization makes people responsible for the results they must bring and for their development.


because when information and knowledge are shared openly, people are empowered to do their best work and make informed decisions. Additionally, transparency allows people to better understand how they are contributing to the success of the organization, because anyone can see what everyone else on the team or organization is doing.


because we believe it is essential to create an environment where people can self-organise, self-direct and unleash their full potential. This does not mean that everyone is the same, there will obviously continue to be different levels of responsibility but the perimeters of autonomy will be well defined.


or the ability to adapt quickly to market or changes. Starting with radical process simplicity, iterative prototyping as a mindset for execution, and making sure that roles, strategy, goals and responsibilities are all dynamic and checked regularly to be updated or changed.

self organization